Sunday Style - Joyful Dependence

Sunday Style - Joyful Dependence

It's that inbetween weather... colder in the morning, then warmer in the afternoon. So, I added a sweater.

So, I've been dealing with plantar fasciitis... ugh... not fun. So summer shoes are going to be a challenge this year. I found these 'orthotic' type of flip flops that I'll probably be living in. 😏

But look at that lilac bush! I've always wanted one! It smells amazing! Let's get into this week's devotional.

Hmmm... Joyful dependence. That sounds so contrary to what our culture promotes. Most are striving to be as self-sufficient as possible. In my journey, I've been guilty of that as well.

Yet, God designed us to need Him. He wants us to want to be dependent on Him. In fact, whether we realize it or not, we depend on Him more than we think. Where does your life come from? Where does the air you breathe come from? 

It's so much easier if we would just deliberately depend on Him. So, where does the joy come from, in joyful dependence?

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17(NLT)
6 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying.

There is always joy in the presence of Jesus! He promises to be with us at ALL times!

Deuteronomy 31:8(NKJV)
And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.

I believe if we would discipline ourselves a bit more, we would find it easier to live in joyful dependence in Him. 

Here are a couple of about praying more... with an open heart, truly connecting with our Savior. Allowing Him to work in us, more than just presenting Him with a grocery list of needs.

Another suggestion would be to dive deeper into the Word, asking the Lord to open your eyes to see more and allow the Word to transform you.

Psalms 119"10-12(NIV)
I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. 11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. 12 Praise be to you, Lord; teach me your decrees.

Psalms 37:4(NLT)
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. 

Now, I know that some of these verses are 'taken out of context', but I think you understand the point I'm making. Especially, the last verse...Let's try to make sure that our desires are His desires. This isn't a blank check...

I want to live joyfully dependent in Him. I want to delight in Him. I want to trust in Him. I want to learn and be more like Him.

That's the goal, right?

Be Blessed!

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