Sunday Drive - Have No Fear

Sunday Drive - Have No Fear -Grand Canyon

Are you afraid of being given some sort of bad news or a bad report? The Lord does not want us to live in fear. Yes, I know sometimes it feels like there is some problem or circumstance lurking around the corner ready to pounce. We question and wonder if we'll make it through this one, or will we fail.

Psalms 112:7(NIV)
They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

Keep in mind that His love for us has nothing to do with our performance or our circumstances. He doesn't love us any less, when we question or become anxious or fearful.

Our journey with the Lord, is often like a toddler learning to walk. My granddaughter has just started this stage in life. There are lots of falls, and lots of wins. We get so excited and praise her for her accomplishments! Can you imagine the Lord cheering us on?

My granddaughter has no fear of falling. She just gets right back up and tries again. It's no big deal. This reminds me of the little bumps in life that knock us down, but with God's help we get back up and are stronger.

Yet, as I've gotten older. I'm a tad bit fearful of falling.... The ground is a bit farther away. The hit is quite a bit harder and it's not so easy getting up. I'm trying desperately to hold on to Jesus' hand, so that I fall less, and hopefully a fall won't be too hard on me. He will help me get up and stand again. I can trust in Him. 

Psalms 143:8(NLT)
Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.

Life is going to try and knock us down at times. We can trust in Jesus to always be there.

Deuteronomy 31:6(NLT)
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Don't beat yourself up when you fall, Jesus is there to help you up. Look up, see His hand extended? Grasp it, stand up, brush the dirt off yourself. You are strong in Him. You can stand up again. He will never leave us. He will never fail us.


1 comment

  1. Thanks for these reminders. Tough times here with the unexpected death of a friend leaving her husband devastated, a dire cancer diagnosis for another, a niece with significant covid pneumonia + stroke, and a friend's grandson fighting for his life with internal bleeding. Trying to stay steady myself as well as be supportive to all. These verses are a very needed reminder that God is in charge.


Comments are awesome! Let me know what you think!

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