Sunday Style Over 50 - Do You Trust God With Your Future?

Sunday Style Over 50- Do You Trust God With Your Future?

I took this photo about a month ago before, right before we started home church.  Little did I know what life was going to be like in the next month... So much has changed and I'm praying for our nation everyday.  I'm not going to share about my outfit, because it just doesn't seem relevant and I probably won't until we start going back to church.  I think you all understand, right?

The title for today is

Do You Trust God With Your Future?

I'll ask myself that question.... Do I trust God with my future?

Why should I trust Him?  Why should you? For me the list could go on and on and on..... here's just a few reasons.

He is God Almighty and created me and this world I live in. (Genesis 1:1)

He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to earth to die for my sins, so that I could have eternal life. (John 3:16) (that's the most important part of my future!)

He says in His Word that He is my Father and that He loves me. (2 Corinthians 6:18)

He promises to be with me throughout everything in my life. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

He's already done powerful things in my life that only He could do. I can't even count them, we have a history that can't be disputed.

He protects and always has good things instore for me.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

The things our world is going through right now, is apart of God's plan. We need to trust Him.

I read in a devotion this week, about how from our human perspective, it may look like God is mismanaging things here on earth. Also, that our complaining implies that we think we could do it better than He could. (Mind blown here...🤯)

In Isaiah 55: 8-9, it says that His ways are higher than our ways.  We do not see what He sees, and if He pulled back the curtain to let us see, we would understand so much more, but we could not handle what He sees.  He lovingly protects us and shields us from knowing the future.

Isaiah 55:8,9 
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” 
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

He created us to live by faith and not by sight.

2 Corinthinans 5:7   For we live by faith, not by sight.

If you are an Indiana Jones fan, there was a part in the movie, The Last Crusade, where Indiana has to cross a deep chasm, there was supposed to be a bridge, but he can't see it anywhere.  He knows it's there....  He's gotta move quickly...  He has to take a leap of faith... He steps out onto nothing, but it's there even though it isn't visible.  It's a solid bridge that will take him to the other side.

That's faith, stepping out when we can't see whats ahead.  We can't see what the future holds, but our faith in God needs to be solid and unshakeable.  He is a promise keeper!  He is the one who makes a way when there isn't one.  He WILL get us to the other side!

Can I trust Him with my future?  Yes, emphatically, Yes!!


  1. Enjoyed your thoughts in trusting God. This has certainly been a step of faith in our lives this last month. We do know God doesn't make mistakes and we can trust Him when everything seems so out of our comfort zone. May God bless your family as we continue our walk of faith.

    1. Hi Eleanor! You are so right! I love hearing from readers, it so encourages me! Praying for you and your family, stay safe! :)


Comments are awesome! Let me know what you think!

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