Sunday Style Over 50 - God Helps You Grow
Hi there! Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let's chat...
I hope you all are enjoying Sunday Style Over 50, as much as I am! Like I said last week, I'm no fashionista, but I love a simple style that looks put together.
I'm really paring down the amount of clothes I have. A couple of years ago I shared, The Kon Mari Method - Clothing, where I went through every piece of clothing. It was mind blowing! Since then, I try to be intentional about the items I add to my closet.
Today's outfit
Shirt: Kohls - Long sleeve loose fitting shirt
Scarf: Blanket scarf from AC Moore! 😜
Sweater: A steal I picked up when BonTon was closing out!
Jeans: Old Navy jeggings
Boots: Target
Sunday's Message: This wasn't the message from last week, because God came into our service and did His thing! It was a wonderful time of healing and restoration! So instead I'm sharing how God helped me grow....
A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to give a testimony in our Sunday morning service. I was trying to think of something and coming up with nothing, I asked Hubs if he had any thoughts.
As we started chatting, an idea started forming.... I decided to share something that the Lord has really helped me grow in.
About 4 years ago, I felt God specifically wanting me to 'step up' my walk with Him. I've sung in our church for years. Whenever I was asked to sing I would say, "Yes", because I promised The Lord that if at all possible, I would sing anytime for Him.
But this was different... This just wasn't to sing a song. I knew He wanted me to join the worship team again and this time to help lead. (I had been on the worship team years ago, singing harmony.)
It was not an easy decision for me, I was so scared. But I knew I had to. I am a worshipper. I will worship on stage, in the car, or in my kitchen washing dishes. I just have to, I love to! I knew God wanted more out of me than singing harmony. It was time to take that next step, out of my comfort zone. I was scared to death...
For the most part, I find it pretty easy going up to strangers and chatting with just about anyone. So, I would consider myself to be an extrovert, but that doesn't mean I don't have insecurities. Oh, I have plenty!
Leading worship is such a big responsibility, and this step magnified those insecurities in me! It meant people would expect me to lead, and watch me and listen to me sing... so when I make a mistake everyone is going to know.... I had to be okay with all of that.
When I make those mistakes (because there will be plenty of them), I have to be able to jump right back in and not let it paralyze me. Leading worship is not easy.
Yet, despite all of that, I knew that's exactly what God wanted me to do. I seriously needed His strength and confidence. The prayers of my husband, Mike, and my close friends really encouraged me. God is so faithful!
My good friend, Sharon, told me once, 'Courage is doing it afraid'.
I did it afraid... knowing I was going to flub up and feel foolish sometimes. Knowing there were going to be times where my mind would go blank and I couldn't remember how a song went or that I was going to start at the wrong place, or sing the wrong words.
I just couldn't let those fears hold me back anymore! This wasn't about me. This was about Him and about me being obedient to Him.
Every time I go up on stage, I pray, Lord, this isn't about me, this is about You and You need to help me. Help me be Your vessel to encourage people to worship You. That's the reason I sing.
God really helped me grow through this! Has it gotten easier? Sure, to a certain extent, because I refuse to let fear hold me captive. He helps me step up and out of my comfort zone and continues to be there for me.
He is my King, my Savior, my everything and I have to worship Him!
Have you felt that nudge to do something you aren't really confident in? Ask Him to help you! He is faithful!!
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This is so good! It's hard to step outside our comfort zones, but so glad you did!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Doreen! Don't you know it! We are always glad when we do!