Now, I know I am NOT the first one to do a post on DIY tassels.... but I thought, there might be someone out there that hasn't heard of them or made these before. Plus they are so fun to make and you can customize your bunting to your specific colors! Which was the main reason I wanted to make these.
My daughter's bridal shower was in blush, white and gold. 💗 Can I just tell you that blush colored tissue paper is the hardest to find ever???!! I searched everywhere! But I had success! I checked Amazon, party stores, Walmart... everywhere. One day, I was in Target and I thought, "Oh, I haven't checked their tissue paper. They probably don't have it, but what the heck. Let's check."
And THEY HAD IT!!! YAY! Why in the world would I get so excited about tissue paper? Well, I guess I just wanted her shower to be perfect. 🙌 Being diligent paid off. 😊
So, let's get rollin with this tutorial!
First, you need 1 sheet of tissue paper. This will make 4 tassels. I ended up making about 30 tassels.
Next, fold that in half. Basically, bring the bottom of the sheet to the top.
Then fold in half again. Bring the left side over to the right side.
Fold in half again, but bring the bottom up to the top.
Okay, all the folding is done. Now we start cutting. You will need to leave a 2 inch space and cut slits up to that 2 inch line. The width of your slits will determine how wide you want your tassels to be. And they don't have to be perfect. Mine weren't.
Now you need to cut the fold.
You will have to cut one other fold, open it up and you will find it. Then you should have 4 sheets that look like this.
The hard part is done! 😊 All that needs to be done is roll them up, then twist and glue.
Start rolling from the bottom. The tassels kind of like to get tangled. I just "brushed" them with my fingers as I rolled.
Next, you twist the center part of the tassel and form a loop.
Here is the loop. Then put a dab on hot glue in that loop twist and it will hold it in place. Lastly, just string them up on some string or ribbon and hang in place.
Aren't they cute? They came out so pretty! Here's a few snaps from the shower. 💕 You can see all of the pics from the shower {Here}.
It was such a beautiful shower. If you are curious about the bunting 'Blushing Bride'... I made that too. Super easy! I just cut the flag out of card stock, printed the letters and cut them out with scissors. A little glue stick, a hole punch, some ribbon and you have a sweet little bunting! 😍
If you want to pin for later here's a fun photo! Also scroll down if you want to see all the other cute DIY decorations I did for the shower!
Here are links to some of the DIY decorations.
Easy Pom Pom Pineapple

Simple Inexpensive Floral Letter

Gold Spray Paint Dilemna

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