Sunday Style Over 50 - Learn To Laugh

Sunday Style Over 50 - Learn To Laugh

Learn to laugh.... More importantly learn to laugh at yourself. 

This just seemed so appropriate to talk about this weekend.  My daughter had a gender reveal party!  Guess what it was!?

It's a Girl! Pink Confetti

It's a girl!!! 💖

The moment my daughter announced she was pregnant, I have been on Team Boy.  I'll be honest, I was so committed to her having a boy.  

I thought I was right!  Hahahaha!  I HAVE to laugh at myself!  I was sooo wrong! 

Btw... I am THRILLED we are going to have a granddaughter! 💗💗💗

I thought of Sarah when she found out she was pregnant.  She was very skeptical that she would ever have a child.  But Got promised a child.  It didn't matter that she was close to 100.  Can you imagine Sarah laughing with joy that she was finally going to have the child she always wanted, but thought she couldn't?

Genesis 21:6 (TPT)
And Sarah declared, “God has brought me laughter.  All who hear about this will laugh with me.

God wants us to laugh!  We can't take ourselves too seriously.  Life is so serious sometimes, but laughter lightens our heart and lifts our mood.

Proverbs 17:22
A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul. But the one whose heart is crushed struggles with sickness and depression.

There is also freedom in laughing at our selves.  You know we all make mistakes.  None of us are perfect, and when we see the futility in being 'right' we can find the freedom to be wrong.  It's fine!  Just smile and let it go. 

Proverbs 31:25 (NLT)
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. 

Think about the verse you just read.  Laughing without fear of the future... What freedom.  We don't know what the future holds.  God does, so our trust in Him allows us to live without fear.

Like a child, they play and laugh without any worry... what people will think of them, what may or may not happen in the future.  They are so free!

Laughter also is contagious!  Have you ever just laughed because someone else is laughing?  People look so beautiful when they are laughing.  

God wants us to laugh!

Matthew 11:29 (TPT)
Simply join your life with mine.  Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. 

Laughter and joy go hand in hand.  Life may be hard at times...  I don't want to discount that some people are going through tough times, but try to find a bit of joy, a reason to smile.  It will lift you up.

And if you're like me and find yourself in a spot where you were totally wrong....  Smile!  Laugh at yourself.  It's alright!

Psalms 126:4 (NLT)
We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.”

I am so incredibly blessed! Here are some of my blessings! 💕

my family

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