It was really fun to make! Thinking up all the different words and experimenting with fonts. I used the online tool PicMonkey, it's free and I did all of this without the membership.
I printed it on cardstock. The mat was in my stash, but it was navy, so I spray painted it gold.
I love the way it came out.
We had a great night of sushi and a movie. We didn't do too much this year because we were going on a trip in a couple of weeks.
And away we went to visit family; sunny skies and 75 in our home state of California.
We really don't miss living there, we love the slower pace and peacefulness of Pennsylvania. Although after this LONG winter, we were craving some vitamin D and short sleeves. :)
What's awesome is the WHOLE family got to an "adopted" daughter's boyfriend. We are all quite happy to be leaving the foot of snow on the ground!
My son met us there in California.
If you know CA... In N Out is a must! Frankly, it is the best burger EVERRRR!!! And we have waited 5 years to have one, so nobody even questioned a midnight stop!
After a day of visiting family we headed to the coast. Here we are enjoying the sunny weather!
Here's a few more fun pics!
Hubs family is out there and we enjoyed visiting them. Here's a pic of him with his brothers.
Right before we dropped my son off at the airport, we HAD to have In N Out again! Delish!!
Bye... Booo... Wish he could have stayed longer. But I am sooo thankful for every visit! :)
The next day we hit Disneyland!
And one of us had never been there before...
Yep, that guy...
We had to get in on the Goofy action too!
So, happy to spend the day with more family from CA! We would have been lost there without them!
Little did we know that hubby would be very sick the next day from food poisoning... so glad I only had a taste of his dinner, so I didn't get it quite as horrific as he did. Even with that set back, we had a great visit!
Here we are saying our goodbyes to Hubby's parents... Hubby's feeling better, I am feeling horrible...
Time to fly home.
Found this funny pic. My kids crack me up!!
One last thing... this jet lag stinks! I'm tired at 8am and ready to go and wide awake at midnight! Not the norm for this morning person.... This too shall pass. :)
Well, so long for now. Enjoy your family! Count your blessings. Life is short!
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